The following Conditions are related to Trouble speaking

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Carotid artery disease

    In its early stages, carotid artery disease often doesn't produce any signs or symptoms. The condition may go unnoticed until it's serious enough to deprive your brain of blood, causing a stroke or TIA. Signs and symptoms of a stroke or TIA include: Sudden numbness or weakness in the face or limbs, often on only one side of the body Sudden trouble speaking and understanding  Read More

  • Stroke

    If you're like most Americans, you plan for your future. When you take a job, you examine its benefit plan. When you buy a home, you consider its location and condition so that your investment is safe. Today, more and more Americans are protecting their most important asset--their health. Are you? Stroke ranks as the third leading killer in the United States. A stroke can be devastating to individuals and their families, robbing them o  Read More